I would like to think that every website shows delivery and returns information on the product pages, but unfortunately I still come across sites that don't have it.

Time to pull your socks up!

Not having delivery and returns information on a product page is almost a suicide mission

You've spent all that time, money and effort getting users to your site and it could all go to waste on the product page

Let's say a user is on a product page and they're ready to hit that Add To Basket button, but they want to know about delivery and there's no information about it on the page

They are forced to go and start searching for it. The journey has gone from clicking Add To Basket and potentially checking out, to searching the site, scanning around looking for "Delivery" in the footer etc. It's sending them on a completely different path, disrupting their journey and potentially a loss of sale

Answer your users before they ask

Ideally, the delivery information on a product page is specific to that product. It would show an expected delivery date, how much it's going to cost you and maybe some information about returns to reassure the user

Even if you don't have this information that's specific to a product, at least give them a general idea. Present your standard delivery information as a backup to make sure they're not forced to look elswhere for your delivery information


I know this is probably super obvious to a lot of merchants, but as I said before, I'm still seeing cases where there's absolutely NO delivery information on product pages and it really is bad practice

That's why we've added it as core in Miami - Check it out

If we can answer user's questions before they ask them, they have no reason not to buy