It's not too often we see this, but every now and then, you come across a product description on the frontend of a site that sticks out as like a sore thumb on Ling's Cars!


"Make it POP!"

There's guaranteed to be something that "needs to stand out" in a product description, and sometimes we see merchants feeling the need to take it on themselves to do it

Problem is, it doesn't work

Why doesn't it work?

Because it's not consistent; simple

If you want to represent professionalism and create a consistent brand, manually styling up your content is a recipe for disaster when it comes to consistency. Leave your styling to the experts! Your designers, agency, frontend developers

Consider the important things

If above nothing else, think about accessibility!

There's a decent chance that styling up your content using admin could cause accessibility issues. Feel free to test it, but please be careful

What to do instead

If you want to make something POP, there's probably a better way to do it and your designers / agency should know how to do it!

Making things bold, fill your boots

Italicise bits of text, go for it!

Please just don't feel the need to MaKe yOur content STAND out Using Your admin wysiwyg